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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

The Clifton Centre is back to being fully open to staff and pupils of key workers and those categorised as vulnerable. We have stringent procedures in place informed by a whole school risk assessment that has been approved by our board of governors and Salford Local Authority. We have a one-way system in place as well as hand sanitising stations and advice on wearing a face covering in areas where these are required. Classrooms are spaced out so that social distancing between pupils can be encouraged and areas for staff are designated to ensure that they are able to effectively social distance.

Where possible we have reduced the number of contact points including where paper based documents are concerned, converting to digital work where possible.

We are closely following the government guidance where test and trace are concerned as well as having systems in place for pupils who may display COVID symptoms in school or at home.

We have a robust process for switching between onsite learning and remote education should the need arise so that pupils will have no lost learning and they still have access to a full, broad and balanced curriculum.

Clifton Centre's day for pupils begins at 9:00am and ends at 14:00pm.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact either your child's form tutor or a member of staff to discuss.

Remote Learning - Information for Parents/carers and learners

If your young person is self isolating then they will be given a range of resources for continuation of learning and to ensure they are continuing to access the full curriculum. In the first instance, they should log onto their MS Teams accounts and access their subject assignments.