Management Committee at The Clifton Centre header

Management Committee

All committee members are appointed by the full committee.

Community and Associate members are chosen and appointed by the management committee
and are selected to bring relevant skills to the committee.

Staff and Parent members and then approved by the full committee.

The chair of the management committee is Sue Woodgate.



Current Members
Previous Members
Name Governor Type Appointed by Term of Office Roles Subcommittee membership Signed the
Conflicting interests/Other governing body membership
 Mrs Olwyn Naylor  Observer N/a 21/11/2021 - 20/11/2025 Head of Centre, KS3 None Yes None declared.
Councillor John Warmisham LA LA 28/02/23 - 27/02/27  Vice Chair Curriculum and Personnel,
Finance and Premises,
Appeals and Complaints, Heads performance management
Yes Elected member at Salford City Council, Member of the Labour Party, Member of the GMB Trade Union, Trustee at Salford Loaves & Fishes
Ms. Julie Owen Observer N/a 01/01/2025 - 31/08/2025 Head of Centre KS4 None Yes Nothing to declare
Mrs Debbie Ramsay Staff Management Committee 21/11/2021 - 20/11/2025  Executive Head KS3 & KS4 Curriculum and Personnel,
Finance and Premises
Yes Also a member of: Alderbrook PPC Management Committee
Mrs Sue Woodgate Community Management Committee 20/10/2024 - 19/10/2028

Chair, Finance, Progress, outcomes of SEND and other vulnerable groups

Curriculum and Personnel,
Finance and Premises,
Appeals and Complaints, Heads performance management
Yes A member of the following:  High Peak Federation, Alderbrook PPC, Stockport Canal Boat Trust, Ferval Rajah Trustee, Chatsworth Academy Trust Trustee, Kings Academy Trust Member and a Magistrate.
Mr Kenny Turton-Ainsworth Staff Staff 20/10/2024 - 19/10/2028  LAC Curriculum and Personnel,
Finance and Premises
Yes Nothing to declare
Ms Donna Hindley Community Management Committee 13/07/2021 - 12/07/2025  Personal Development, wellbeing and pastoral support and Safeguarding Curriculum and Personnel,
Finance and Premises
 Yes Deputy Head at Arbour Academy
Mrs Sam Fargher Observer N/a 02/06/22 - 01/06/26     Yes Nothing to declare

Ms Katie Bottomley Community Management Committee 24/01/2023 - 23/01/2027  Attendance   Yes Nothing to declare
Ms Emily Hart Community Management Committee 03/12/2024 - 02/12/2028     Yes Nothing to declare
Name Governor Type Term of Office Roles Subcommittee membership Signed the
Conflicting interests/Other governing body membership
Mrs P Copeland Community  17/03/15 - 11/01/18   Premises and Finance Yes None
Mrs T Bailey Staff 24/02/21 - 22/02/18 School Complaints Coordinator  Curriculum and Personnel Yes None
Ms S Bellamy LA 03/08/15 - 2/08/19   Curriculum and Personnel,
Premises and Finance
Yes Also a member of:
Oakwood Academy
Governing Body
Mrs. S Walsh Community 22/11/17 - Resigned June 2019 Chair,
Safeguarding/child protection
Curriculum and Personnel – Chair,
Appeals and Complaints
Yes None
 Mr G Caldwell  Community  22/11/17 - 20/11/21   Premises and Finance - Vice Chair,
Appeals and Complaints  
 Yes  Also a member of:
Alderbrook PPC
Management Committee.
The New Broadwalk PRU
Management Committee.
Mrs M Garside Community 22/11/17 - 20/11/21 Chair
Safeguarding/Child Protection
Curriculum and Personnel - Vice Chair,
Appeals and Complaints
Yes Also a member of:
Alice Ingham RC Primary
School, Rochdale
Manchester Creative School
Trustee at David Nieper
Academy, Alfreton
Mr M Wilson Staff 18/6/2018 - 17/06/2022   Curriculum and Personnel, Finance and Premises Yes Nothing to declare
Miss S Marsland Community 08/12/2020 - 12/07/2022 SEND Curriculum and Personnel,
Finance and Premises,
Appeals and Complaints, Heads performance managemen
Mr A Farnill Community 07/12/2021 - 12/07/2022   Curriculum and Personnel,
Finance and Premises
Ms D Moyo Community 08/12/2020 - 16/12/2022   Cirriculum and Personnel, Finance and Premises Yes Salford City Council, Governor Services employee, Trustee of Friends of Springwood School.
Mr D Thomas-Lowde Community 07/12/21 - 06/12/25 Teaching & Learning Curriculum & Personnel, Finance and Premises Yes Noting to declare
Mrs L Alston Staff 25/9/23 - 24/9/27   Curriculum & Personnel, Finance and Premises Yes  Nothing to declare
Mrs D Baxendale Community 18/6/2022 - 17/6/2026 Health & Safety, Cybersecurity Curriculum and Personnel,
Finance and Premises
Yes Nothing to declare
Mrs Sarah O'Neill Staff 03/09/2024 - 31/12/2024     Yes Nothing to declare
Ms Alison Johnston Observer 21/11/2021 - 20/11/2025 Head of Centre KS4   Yes Nothing to declare

Committee Meeting Attendance

The Silverdale Federation Management Committee Meeting Attendance 2023/2024

Governor Governor Type 26/09/2023 13/12/2023  24/01/2024  06/03/2024  01/05/2024  12/06/2024  
Mrs Samantha Fargher Observer Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  
Ms Donna Hindley Community Attended Attended   Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  
Ms Alison Johnston Other Attended Attended   Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  
Mrs Dawn Baxendale Community Attended Sent apologies   Attended  Did not attend  Did not attend  Attended  
Mrs Olwyn Naylor Other Attended Attended   Attended  Attended  Attended Attended  
Mrs Debbie Ramsay Staff Attended Attended   Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  
Mr Dean Thomas-Lowde Community Sent apologies Attended   Sent apologies  Attended  Sent apologies Attended  
Mr Kenny Turton-Ainsworth Staff Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended Attended  
Mrs Sue Woodgate Community Attended Attended   Attended  Attended  Attended Attended  
Miss Katie Bottomley Community Attended Attended   Sent apologies  Attended  Attended Sent apologies  
Mrs Lisa Alston Staff Attended Attended   Sent apologies  Attended  Sent apologies  Attended  
Cllr John Warmisham LA Attended Sent apologies   Sent apologies  Sent apologies  Sent apologies Sent apologies  

The Silverdale Federation Management Committee Meeting Attendance 2022/2023

 Governor  Governor Type  20/10/2022  24/01/2023  27/03/2023  23/05/2023  11/07/2023      
Mrs Samantha Fargher  Observer  Attended  Attended  Attended Attended  Attended      
Mrs Dawn Baxendale  Staff governor  Attended  Attended  Attended Attended  Attended       
Ms Donna Hindley  Community governor  Attended  Attended  Attended Attended  Attended       
Ms Alison Johnston  Other  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended Attended       
Mrs Olwyn Naylor  Other  Attended  Attended  Attended Attended  Attended       
Mrs Debbie Ramsay  Staff governor  Attended  Attended  Attended Attended  Attended       
Mr Dean Thomas-Lowde  Community governor  Attended  Attended  Attended Sent apologies  Sent apologies      
Mr Kenny Turton-Ainsworth  Staff governor  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended      
Cllr John Warmisham Local Authority Governor Apologies Accepted  Attended  Attended  Attended  Sent apologies      
Mrs Sue Woodgate Community governor Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended      

The Silverdale Federation Management Committee Meeting Attendance 2021/2022

Governor Governor Type 30/09/2021 07/12/2021 01/02/2022 01/03/2022 24/05/2022 12/7/2022
Mrs Samantha Fargher Observer Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended
Ms Donna Hindley Community Attended  Attended  Apologies accepted  Apologies accepted  Attended  Attended
Ms Alison Johnston Other Attended  Attended  Apologies accepted  Attended  Attended  Attended
Mrs Sophie Marsland Community  NS  Attended  NS  NS  Attended  
Ms Dumolwenkosi (Dee) Moyo Community  Apologies Accepted  Attended  Apologies accepted  Attended  Attended  Attended
Mrs Olwyn Naylor Other Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended
Mrs Debbie Ramsay Staff Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended
Mr Kenny Turton-Ainsworth Staff Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended
Cllr John Warmisham Local Authority Apologies Accepted  Attended  Attended  Apologies accepted  Attended  Apologies accepted
Mr Matt Wilson Staff Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  
Mrs Sue Woodgate Community Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended
Mr Adam Farnhill Community N/A  Attended  Attended  Apologies accepted  NS  
Mr Dean Thomas-Lowde Community N/A  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended  Attended
Mrs Dawn Baxendale Staff           Attended