The students on respite provision are referred through the In Year Fair Access Panel which comprises of all secondary mainstream Headteachers, the LA Officer for Admissions and Exclusions, a LA Assistant Director, the Exec Head of the KS3 and KS4 PRUs and the Head of the Pupil Health Referral Unit. This panel also agrees re-integration for pupils who have been permanently excluded.
School continue to work alongside the Local Authority and our partners to provide a safe school environment and effective online learning.
A part of our commitment to continue to offer an outstanding, personalised and engaging curriculum school had an independent review of our school improvement plan(SIP). This involved meetings with Senior Leaders and teaching staff to discuss current provision and future developments.
The school improvement officer identified the following;
'The curriculum remains broad and ambitious: all pupils continue to be taught a wide range of subjects, maintaining their choices for further study and employment.'
'remote education, where needed, is high quality and aligns as closely as possible with in-school provision'
'The school is working to increase independent skills. DofE is being used and there is a strong commitment to vocational learning.'
Wednesday 15th January 2025
Students take a trip to experience David Hockney
Half term
Monday 17th Feb 12:00 am
Half term
Tuesday 18th Feb 12:00 am
Half term
Wednesday 19th Feb 12:00 am